英語考試訓練 Education Coach

Omega Study Abroad Center

英語考試訓練 Education Coach

托福、雅思 客製化學習方案

  • 分類:留學考試 (TOEFL IELTS)

VIP Exam Coach 外師全英互動

  • 補習了一陣子但是成績沒有起色,想要找家教班做加強的同學
  • 考試分數很不平均,很明顯某幾個單項特別弱,如口說與寫作,所以想要針對單項做加強的同學
  • 想要快速增加商用英語能力,增強整體的英語實力
  • 外語學了很久但是一直學不好,想要嘗試一對一外師教學的同學
  • 太多人在一起學習會不敢說外語或是沒有機會說外語,想要一對一上課
  • 全英語互動, English Only! 想不進步也難!

想要了解更多,歡迎聯繫歐美加 02-23888900,或加 line ID: omega.taipei


Ready to kick-off your journey to success with a head start? Contact us today to enroll in the perfect study plan for you. Let's make 2023 your year of achievement! 



Exclusive Benefits for 2024 


Are you ready to achieve your dream IELTS and TOEFL scores?

快速提升英語考試分數,達到國外大學入學門檻!  突破達到更高的考試目標!


Our exclusive coaching packages are designed to help you excel in your English language proficiency exams. With actual test materials, dedicated coaching sessions and personalized guidance, as success is just a step away. 






Studying abroad in a competitive University provides us with a variety of golden opportunities down the path of life.  With a few key elements being critically essential, TOEFL and IELTS happen to be one of the top 3 priorities, whereas sessions are designed to help surpass all difficulties as we closely observe details throughout the process of learning curve establishment.  TOEIC on the other hand is vital as well domestically among education and industries for both students and employees to be competitive. 
The duration of our TOEFL/IELTS sessions will last between 1.5 to 2 hours, paving the road by implementing test-taking tactics, strengthening weaknesses, bridging reflexes, perfecting responses with priorities, time-management know-how, targeting our test-takers to feel familiar and confident during the actual test.  As for TOEIC, a modernized replacement for GEPT, our design language is targeted at improving practical reading and listening comprehension for absolute detailed importance through notetaking and summarization ability while implementing writing and speaking to complete every aspect of learning, being the core of OSAC’s DNA.  






Choose either a 3, 5, 6 or 9-month “Training Plan”. 


Basic Package
Standard Package
Premium Package
Extreme Level
36 小時訓練 
60 小時訓練
80 小時訓練
120 小時訓練
This is our basic package level and includes our well-rounded coaching sessions, weekly assignments, and quarterly simulation tests. Most importantly, you get the hotline with Coach for questions about training.


This is our most popular package level and includes additional benefits like weekly progress tracking, monthly evaluation meetings, and free access to workshops and seminars.
This top-level package includes additional benefits like Free English consultation and university or program professional advisory.
This extreme-level package will start with fundamental language buildup before engaging students in exam practices. It is most suitable for clients who want to gain both language skills and cultural awareness.
訓練重點包含:Notetaking 筆記訓練、Summarizing 重點整理、Interpretation 敘述表達、Phonics 發音、Vocabulary Usage 字彙使用、Writing 寫作、Listening 聽力、Reading 閱讀、Speaking 口說


We hold the study plan tailored to suit your goals and needs.




Pre-Training Benefits (訓練開始前我們會)

  • Demonstration 訓練法演示:  Get a glimpse of our program offering. 
  • Evaluation Analytical Report Result 語言檢測了解弱點與學習需求:  Discover your strengths and weaknesses. 
  • Professional Advisory with Options 提供專業建議與訓練計畫:  Receive expert guidance tailored to your abilities. 
  • Formal Discussion (Individual and/or Family) 確認訓練期與密集度規劃:  Discuss your aspirations with our team. 
  • Agreement Contract 正式簽訂合約準備執行訓練:  Seal the deal and embark on your journey toward success. 



Training in Session (訓練期間我們會)

  • Coaching Sessions 按照訓練計畫執行: Receive personalized coaching from experienced instructors. 
  • Weekly Assignments 安排定期作業複習:  Practice to gradually improve and enhance your skills on a regular basis. 
  • Attendance & Priority Tracking 紀錄出勤與訓練需求:  Stay on track with attendance monitoring of session routines. 
  • Weekly Progress Tracking 每週進度紀錄:  Measure growth and adapt to professional recommendations. 
  • Monthly Evaluation and Adjustment Meeting 每月安排程度檢測調整訓練內容:  Fine-tune your training plan along the way as needed, fitting to the timeline. 
  • Quarterly Simulation Test 每季安排模擬測驗:  Simulate test conditions in real time, boosting your confidence and time-management judgement



Exclusive 2024 Services for Any Package 獨享優惠!!

FREE trial class

FREE hotline (via LINE or Email)

FREE practice tests

Flexible schedule options

Workshops and Seminars 

English Consultation 


Why Choose Our Coaching Packages? 為什麼選擇Omega A+Tutor訓練


With blessing miracles, the establishment of the Coaching Department was initiated in 2018, depending on decades of accumulated experience in overcoming failures, challenges, and a positive attitude while implementing the right methodology and approach toward our learners.  Aiming to be a beacon of hope for all our supported learners.  Our team of friendly and professional instructors possess various expertise in coaching students build a firm English foundation to face their upcoming journey in Universities, with the final destination being English Proficiency examination and school applications.




The heart of the Coaching Department at OSAC is about goal-oriented achievements, tirelessly dedicated to assisting in overcoming obstacles while striving endlessly for the success of clients’ promising perspective. We differentiate ourselves from the parties within the industry with a carefully designed approach and methodology.  Ultimately, an integrated system designed to flourish with decades of experience in personalized and customized learning for each individual. 
Proven Results 豐富的輔導成功經驗:  
Join the ranks of successful students who achieved their desired scores. 
Personalized Approach 個人化的考試訓練安排:  
Tailored guidance to address your unique needs. 
Actual Test Materials 真實測驗題目練習:  
Practice with real exam materials for an authentic experience. 
Expert Instructors 專業語言考試訓練教練:  
Learn from experienced coach dedicated to your success. 
Exclusive 2023 Services 獨享2023優惠:  
Enjoy additional perks available only this year. 




  • 不限次數專業留學規劃諮詢
  • 就讀科系及未來發展之綜合分析與討論
  • 訂立個人留學申請進度時程表
  • 申請文件與資料的收集與解說
  • 提供科學化選校表
  • 申請文件的製作與輔導
  • 確認申請學校名單
  • 填寫紙本/線上申請表
  • 申請文件的最後確認與定稿
  • 寄件流程解說與輔導
  • 輔導加發考試成績
  • 協助查詢申請查劾狀況
  • 入學確認指導
  • 體檢表填寫輔導
  • 提供住宿申請資料
  • 舉辦簽證說明會
  • 辦理學生簽證
  • 優惠機票訂購技巧與建議
  • 舉辦行前說明會
  • 安排接機及提供台灣同學會資料